Monday, 9 July 2012

It is still bearable! Isn't it??

The discussion shifted towards the topic of major projects in the past, where we discussed mainly about Egypt Pyramids. Giza Pyramid- one of the Wonders of the World was built with so much tediousness. Heavy labor was involved because of movement of huge blocks of limestone over elevated levels, as the building moved higher and higher. There were no modern machinery like cranes and movers- rather it was  the work of men skilled to do the work. Though there are many theories agreeing and disagreeing on how the pyramid was built, we have to agree to one major fact that people of those times also  went through STRESS  - but physical in nature. These days however, modern machinery is involved in reducing the tediousness of labor, people still face the same STRESS- but mental in nature.It is quite hard to say which is worse, but it is time we realized the truth- STRESS is slow poison, a big time KILLER!

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