Thursday, 22 December 2011

What difference does it make?

These thoughts keep crossing my mind so very often...especially when I meet people who have different tastes, for their choice of accessories.

Last week I saw this Louis Vuitton outlet in Megamall, Kuala Lumpur. I was so excited, that i quickly clicked a picture in front of the outlet, where a few of their products were displayed.  A couple of days back I walked past a Ducati Motorbike, and again with so much excitement I clicked a snap of it and showed it to a few friends to boast about having a picture of Ducati on my mobile. Hahhaha...thats how crazy I am about branded stuff. Nevertheless I dont own them! First thing, coz I cannot afford them, second thing even if I am able to spend on them, I'd rather not, coz owning a Louis Vuitton Bag doesn't make any difference to me from owning a low-end brand like Poccilini or Commoditee bag, or even a bag I can buy at the flea market.

To many out there it makes a big big difference, they may look down upon those in possession of low end accessories. But I wonder if they even realise the value of this materialistic obsession in their afterlife. I am not trying to criticise them. In fact I do admire them, they have created so many employment opportunities in many industries- manufacturing, logistics, marketing & sales, PR, Customer service and so forth. IN fact, a friend of mine who is a marketing lecturer, informed me that most brands cater products matching customer personality. Brands also have personalities, giving customers the option to choose the brands whose personalities fit their own. Now I am thinking, how much crazier can the world get? But that is how things work.....

OK, now let us imagine this situation- say when I am walking along a crowded road, with a branded bag, that cost me $ 1500(expecting everyone to see it), and  from nowhere a thief snatches it and runs away! Oh My God, I am sure to get a heart attack man!

Being the semi pessimist that I am, thinking of the what the world has to offer on the Dec 21st  2012, I would rather keep branded products in form of pictures stored only on my mobile gallery!


  1. If you are not affordable to buy LV, then 75% of LV buyers are non-affordable buyers. The real case is, you are not willing to spend for brand. You are termed as a value buyer who look at the value for money. Also you define the value with its usage benefits where as brand personalities derive the value with its status benefits.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post !

    I guess the question is, what that extra few hundreds that you are paying , means to you.To most, it is a status symbol , which makes it all worth it.But in order to think like that, you have to get into a certain mindset, mostly shaped by the external influence of the superficial world.

    I am glad you and me both have not been tainted by such a mindset yet, and hope we will never be, cos only we know how much else we can do with that 'status money' that we saved ! :)

  3. Anonymous...Ms.Aneetha-among a few who inspired me to write this article, you are number one.

  4. A good read! Many a times am on the same page but jus that at times, i too do feel whats the money worth for that i have hard earned if am unable to enjoy it the way " i " want to. Nevertheless i dont enjoy it "any" way :( having said this hope my afterlife is peaceful atleast ;)

  5. Gosh! Sherin this is so funny; it was only a few minutes back that I was thinking about this very same subject. What a coincidence!

  6. Nice one Sherin.....good going !! After seeing all this , wish I had done something about my google pages long time back. time now with Vedaant around. Well done once again dear n keep going !!

  7. Vanitha, nothing is late ever? Vedaant sure keeps u busy, but steal some time to update ur blog pages and feel the joy!
