Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Where do we start?

Global warming is discussed everywhere-  among nations, organizations , educational institutions, corporate offices, and amdist people, who are part of the world that is going through this negative phenomenon.

Contributions to this change in earth has to be understood from the basic. Kyoto Protocol: a measure in reducing the emission of green house gases, and the Protocol tried to get the developed nations to commit to this agreement, though adopted in 1997, it was put into force only in the year 2005.

These are quite complicated terms for us, because not all of us are scientists.  Fine then, let us look into it in  common and easy to understand terms- How can human beings contribute in stopping this negative phenomenon?

 We first have to know a few things.

What are the  impacts of Global warming?
1. The recent Tsunami that devastated Japan,
"Climate change doesn't just affect the atmosphere and the oceans but the earth's crust as well. The whole earth is an interactive system," Professor Bill McGuire of University College London told Reuters, at the first major conference of scientists researching the changing climate's effects on geological hazards.
2. More earth quakes that have been taking place over the recent years in the past
3. Human beings exposed to more number of diseases and allergies, due to atmospheric pollution, cancer being most common
4. Meltdown of polar region ice bergs, which will eventually increase the level of water in natural reservoirs, threatening floods into residential regions. A rise of sea level by 25 metres by year 2100 has been predicted.

What are the causes of Global warming?
1. Higher emission of Green house gases(GHG)-water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbon being released into the atmosphere act like a mirror, which reflects the sunlight that was radiated back to the atmosphere at a longer wavelength. More the emission of GHG, more will be the heat radiated to the earth through them.

How can we prevent, or at least slow down the process?

Stop the emission of GHG would be a quick answer, but not a possible one. So "WHERE DO WE START"?

At home: reduce wastage- whatever it may be-food, water, electricity,etc. Recycle plastic bags when u are going to the supermarket,  reduce the consumption of styrofoam containers, recylce metal that can be recycled,  reduce the consumption of paper-try to go paperless, say if you wanna read the newspaper , use your computer and access the news online.

At Office: Car pooling to work, taking the public transport to work are  most major ways that reduce the consumption of petroleum, which is the major cause of global warming. Reduce the consumption of paper, recycle paper for internal usage, with the advancement of technology try to view soft copy of documents, rather than printing every document in need. Save electricity by switching off the lights of offices not occupied, reduced usage of air conditioners, by switching off the air conditioner when rooms are not occupied.

Though we cannot expect an overnight change in our attitude, we could still make an effort, to make the world a better place to live in. Shall we?

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